4./5. Islamic Religious Education (IRU) Support Program - December 10-11, 2022

On December 10 and 11, teachers and teacher trainees from many states, met at the ILM Academy professional development program. The participants of the ILM Academy had the opportunity to meet and get to know each other personally. On Saturday, December 10, began executive director of the ILM Academy Dr. phil. Hakan Aydın with his opening speech.

The first topic was with Mr. Jun.-Prof. Idris Nassery, lecturer at the University of Paderborn, the definition of the term "Sharia".Then the seminar entitled "Is Islamic law also law?" was discussed.

During the seminars, ILM Academy students expressed their opinions and brainstormed together. The final topic of the day was "Islamic Law and School."

On Sunday, December 11, a lecture was given by Dr. phil. Hakan Aydın, the seminars which were followed with interest by all participants. , "Gender Debates and Muslims. The second and last seminar of the day, "Islam in Germany: Living together in diversity" was discussed.


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